
Project information

  • Category: Personal Project
  • Project Type: Hardware & App
  • Project date: Summer 2020
  • Project URL: GitHub
  • Demo Video: Youtube

My partners and I built a motion-controlled drone, utilizing both hardware and software though a Leap Motion VR Hand Sensor as well as a DGI Tello drone. Using the hand sensor, we track the coordinates of the user's hand relative to the 3D space and use that information to control variable speed, height, and general 360 degree movement. The coordiantes are sent to the Tello Drone live over wifi while utilizing a local websocket to commonuicate between the two program files.

I also created a user friendly GUI in PyGame that allows the user to see their current hand position from both a side-level and top-down view. This allows the user to see the drone controls, where their hand is relative to the "dead zone," and what direction the drone is heading.