A++ Learning

Project information

  • Category: Cutie Hack: 24 Hr UCR Hackathon
  • Project Type: Hardware & App
  • Project date: May 2021
  • Project URL: Devpost
  • Demo Video: Youtube

The inspiration behind this VR Hand Painting project was a mix between making a covid friendly project (no touching required), as well as using a newly acquired VR Hand Sensor.

It allows the user to draw any image they want while only using the motion of their hand. To start drawing, you simply put your thumb and index finger together. To stop drawing, simply separate your fingers. It also allows the user to choose a pencil width by moving your hand closer or further from the sensor.

By using a Leap Motion VR Hand Sensor, we were able to live feed of coordinates to a local WebSocket since our two files were coded in different versions of Python (python2.7 and python3). From there, we built a GUI using pygame in python and used a mixture of coordinate manipulation and different algorithms to successfully make this smooth running GUI.